not sure if anyone will see this since i dont post anymore.....
i do still run into people that mention how much they liked my blog, and its def been a long time since it has been good. i def randomly think about starting it back up again, but im just to lazy i guess. as much as ppl liked it, i should just do it....
over the past year i ran terrible and lost most my bankroll (apparently i suck at BR management), so im in a real shitty spot as far as money goes, especially since black friday and nothing to do but play xbox.
would really suck ass to have to get a job, so im hoping i figure shit out. the clear option would seem to be to play here in vegas live, but it appears to me the games arent great, plus i suck at cash games for the most part, and i doubt i have a proper roll for it.....
other options would be to move.... either to canada or to LA i would guess..... canada for obv reasons... and LA because the sick awesome live action, where im sure even i can do good at cash (plus commerce has some great tourney series' throughout the year)....
moving would be a pain in the ass because i have a family, so if i do move it would prob be a slow process with me going alone at 1st, which i could imagine, due to boredom i would quite possibly start this blog back up :). but moving when broke is probably a bit stupid... not sure....
i will quite possibly in the next few days put together a package to play wsop and attempt to sell a large portion of my action. if i get in a few (or hopefully several) events, i wont have to worry about moving till mid july or so....
so what is everyone else doing?
well, glgl... and i will try to update this occasionally... but i do have a
facebook now days, which i will prob update more often.