im not sure many of you guys can relate, but i know you vegas people and probably a lot of the bigger city people might, but fuck carpool lanes. these are somewhat new in vegas and they make no sense at all.
during rush hour that lane obv hardly gets used, so whats the fucking point. during med traffic times the old mother fuckers usually with a veteran license plate will clog the fast lanes several miles ahead of where the car pool lane starts. soooo instead of just staying in the slow lanes where they should be, you know since they drive 10 mph under the speed limit, these mother fuckers just go 10 under in the fucking fast lane like fucking idiots so they can easily get into the car pool lane in 15 minutes, and still go 10 under, just with no other cars behind them stressing out.
so should we car pool so we can go 10 mph slower in the lane with no traffic? fuck that, fuck the govt, and fuck the faggots wasting tax payer money for this bull shit, and most of all fuck the asswipes who try their best to slow down all of traffic just so they can feel special and be in their OWN lane.
i have officially decided to never obey car pool lane rules and i will go in and out of the car pool lane as i fucking please and this will be my way of saying FUCK YOU. i cant wait to show the veteran dude how fucking special he is. i bet these faggots get pissed when they see a vehicle with only 1 person in that lane, its my turn to tilt these fuckers.
another brilliant car pool thing we have here in vegas is on-ramp lanes with 3 lanes, 2 with stop lights so us regular people have to stop before getting on the freeway, and the 3rd lane has no light so car poolers dont have to stop.
real fucking brilliant, make everyone come to a complete stop before merging onto the freeway. why we give these guys our money for is beyond me.
another thing that tilts me....
it tilts me when all these fags act like obama is the answer to all the worlds problems. i wish these idiots would go look at his and biden's voting record and see how much change they believe in....
do these fucking idiots think this is the 1st politician to ever not lie? what makes him more credible then any others? esp when there is evidence everywhere he is the same.
look at their voting records.. they are good ole boys just like the rest.
also, WTF is with these fucking wacko christian fucks, sending mass emails saying obama is the anti-christ, is that all you got? you that scared? and you guys say muslims are crazy. maybe all religious ppl are fucked in the head.
if any of you honestly think we will have any noticeable change for the better by electing either obama or mcfag, then you are seriously fucking delusional. just face it, we have no REAL choice, they wont let it happen. the system is fucked. they will protect their own and continue to sell out the american ppl.
i decided for the 1st time since i turned 18 im not going to vote. im done, i give up.
it also tilts me i cant find any new sexy hookers to post, and now that im wanting to go get one from the ranch the hot chicks aren't there. i might have to get one of these website hookers and meet them in a hotel room.
only 1 descent girl that i find that hasn't been posted yet...
Sprstoner for President! Preach on brother!
awesome post Stoner!
i guess the american people really are that naive.
great stuff.
Couldn't agree with you more stoner.
I hate HOV and I hate christian fanatics just as much as any other religious faction fanatics.. just rub me the wrong way.
despite of downswings, good job on FTP! Wish I were as successful ;/
I always use the HOV lane by myself....the ticket is having your windows tinted dark as hell.
HOV is another brilliant waste of tax payer money.
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