Wednesday, September 24, 2008

still running shitty (NSFW)

not sure why, but it looks like no matter what i do i will only be a break even MTT player. i hate to give up, but i cant beat out the bad timing of the shit that always happens, not sure how others do it. i know of some players im pretty sure im better than, but yet they post much better results than me. im so lost.

last 2 weeks was my worst downswing ever... i think. i will prob finish out the month with my current mix of MTTs and 45 man sngs, then do something else (i know you heard that before). im so frustrated..... again...

i am busto on stars and decided im not gonna put any more money on there till i have way more than i need on ftp. so i wont really play stars until i either have a big score on ftp or months of grinding my roll up playing 45 mans, in which case i don't see why i should play stars anyways.

a reader posted a comment about Taylor coming back to vegas, and i checked into it. he was right.

she has an awesome 30 min price of $200


a few other girls i have stumbled on...


sweet monique who is $300

alena. she is expensive and i haven't seen any reviews of her.


India Ayres

Mahlia, but i dont see her on the schedule as of now.



if any readers use the services of any girls you find through my blog, a review would be awesome. also tell them about my blog... lol

have fun.


LuckTruck said...

alena's a Redwings fan. Can't be that bad

Buddy Dank said...

how much for all of them?