i made about $7K last week, made $3900 in sngs tonight, but lost $750 or so in the majors.
i am killing these sngs once i get HU as well.... its amazing... i mean yes im better than most guys i get HU with, but im running insanely well too... out of my last 58 sngs i have made it to the money only 36.2% of the time (21 times) which is low, but only 4 times was a 3rd place finish. and only 2 were 2nds. so i made it HU 17 times and got 1st 15 of those times.
see below for a screen shot of a spreadsheet of my last 58

so even though im running hot, im running bad in a way.... i should be cashing 40%+ i believe. well since 2007 it is still at 40% , but has been 41-42ish until now. since i started playing sngs i have 2,017 recorded and im at 39%, BUT this includes a time of about 300 sngs where i was a losing player, and i feel im a better player since i hit about 1500 played... i found a couple holes. so i honestly think i should run over 39%.....
so, really, am i running bad over these last 58 sngs? lets look at how many times i bubble. i do have 10 bubbles which is 17.24%. since i started sngs my over all % out of those 2,017 sngs is 12.59%, and in 2007 its at 10.75%. wow.
so evidence shows im running bad? wierd... lol, i guess we can do both at the same time. running bad overall, but super hot once ITM.
total profit out of last 58 sngs is $7,280, total buyins is $17,007: roi is 42.8%
PWNing ITM is awesome.
now on to the sharkscope leaderboard....
i know i have been doing well, and last time i entered my user name into sharkscope for consideration it said i was close to making it on the $20 180 person sngs average profit leaderboard, i believe i would had been top 3 if i had enough sngs. but i havent even played those in about a 9 months. so i decided to try again tonight, since i have been playing a lot at stars and doing well. i made it:

here is my name searched on SS tonight, and with a few different filters applied as well.

here is the leaderboard for any game 9-10 seated any stakes ave profit, i am sitting in 10th:

here i am in 8th on the turbo version of the same leaderboard:

here is a leaderboard i should make once i get more sngs under my belt:

my stats filtered for that board:

the leaderboard SS says it will auto watch me on:

and stats filtered for that (same as previous stats?):

just assuming i need to get more games under my belt, not sure how many i need because it is a 12 month period, so i should qualify... unless i filtered it wrong...
let me know if i am missing somethin here.
/end brag post